Joint Base Cape Cod
MassDevelopment is the Commonwealth’s development finance agency and land bank. Through a variety of programs, MassDevelopment stimulates business, drives economic growth, and helps communities across Massachusetts thrive. Its priorities include low-cost and creative financing options for a range of organizations, transforming the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities, promoting the Massachusetts manufacturing and defense sectors, and sustainably redeveloping surplus properties. Since its establishment, the Agency has been tasked by administrations and the legislature to facilitate redevelopment of publicly owned properties and repurpose them for more beneficial and impactful community uses.
MassDevelopment is empowered to acquire and redevelop federal, state, and blighted properties to maximize job creation, expand the local tax base, and increase the production of housing consistent with local economic priorities. The Agency has a strong record of catalytic development projects, including the redevelopment of Devens, a former Army installation in north-central Massachusetts. Nearly 30 years after the base’s realignment, Devens is home to nearly 1,000 residents and 100 businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations that employ approximately 10,000 workers. MassDevelopment is active throughout Cape Cod: it is investing in downtown Hyannis through its Transformative Development Initiative; supports affordable housing with low-cost loans and tax-exempt bonds; and finances projects like YMCA Cape Cod's Camp Lyndon.
In order to increase organizational efficiency, the Massachusetts Air National Guard's 102nd Intelligence Wing on JBCC is divesting parcels leased from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that it deems unessential to its military operation. MassDevelopment has a long history with JBCC, including the development of the 2013 Master Coordination Plan and is active on Cape Cod with projects across the region.
To support JBCC and increase housing opportunities for both civilians and the military, MassDevelopment is exploring the conversion of these parcels from military uses to other uses, especially housing. MassDevelopment, in partnership with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Joint Base Cape Cod, and in cooperation with Cape communities, Barnstable County, and other stakeholders, is planning for and coordinating the redevelopment of the recently or soon-to-be divested parcels at JBCC.
The study area includes portions of the area previously contemplated for residential redevelopment, all of which are owned by the Commonwealth, and is focused in particular on the DCAMM Schools Site (approximately 40 acres), which is no longer used by JBCC, and Parcel 10 (also known as Parcel I, an approximately 220-acre site), which was declared excess by the Massachusetts Air National Guard's 102nd Intelligence Wing in 2014 and is awaiting divestment. Other properties may be identified through this process.
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